
Across the State of Massachusetts, communities and institutions are celebrating the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution with events, exhibits, special tours, programs, festivals, performances, and much more. Bookmark this page to join events and celebrations statewide.

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Calendar of Events

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1 event,

Masters of Miniature Ship Model Show

2 events,


The Man, the Myth and the Legacy: Will the Real Paul Revere Please Stand Up?

2 events,


A Snapshot of Acton’s Early Black Residents (1730-1830)

6 events,

American Revolution 1764 to 1774: Building Resentment

- Event Series

Timeline to Independence – Marlborough, MA Rotating Exhibit


Revolutionary Harbor Lectures: Boston Harbor and the Battle of Bunker Hill


When Redcoats Marched in Marblehead: Leslie’s Retreat

5 events,

Concord250 Event: Where We Belong, New England Premiere!

Concord250 Exhibit: Ways of My Ancestors – Imagery: Lighting the Path to Awareness

- Event Series

Timeline to Independence – Marlborough, MA Rotating Exhibit

4 events,

- Event Series

Timeline to Independence – Marlborough, MA Rotating Exhibit

2 events,

4 events,


Concord250 Lantern Lighting Ceremony


Concord-Carlisle High School & Lexington High School Bands Present 250th Celebration Concert

4 events,


Spirits of Revolution Farm to Vine Dinner featuring Boston’s Bully Boy Distillers


Spirits of Revolution: Farm to Vine Dinner featuring Boston’s Bully Boy Distillers

3 events,


“A Sculptor Speaks for Her Statues” with Meredith Bergmann

3 events,


For the Defense and Safety of the Province: Essex County Prepares for War

4 events,

- Event Series

“Spies Among Us” year long exhibit opening on February 6th 2025


Concord250 Event: Concord Chamber Music Society Presents: Wendy Putnam, violin & Vytas Baksys, piano

2 events,

3 events,


Religion and Black Abolitionism in the Era of the American Revolution

4 events,


Premiere of new Film: “From Sea to Shining Sea: Katharine Lee Bates and the Story of America the Beautiful”


Westford REV 250: A Revolution of Her Own! Deborah Sampson, the first woman to fight the American Military

6 events,


Carlisle Colonial Faire


Revolutionary Newton


Concord250 Event: “A Fight for Freedom: Honoring Patriots of Color”

2 events,

3 events,


Affectionate Friends and Humble Servants: Martha Washington and Mercy Otis Warren in Conversation

3 events,


Fireside Chat with Paul Revere at the Wayside Inn

5 events,

Concord250: QUILTS 250 Stitching in the Spirit of Democracy


“Spies Among Us:” Intelligence gathering by the British Army and Provincial Congress

6 events,

- Event Series

Concord Women’s Chorus “Songs of the Revolution”

- Event Series

Concord Women’s Chorus “Songs of the Revolution”


Concord250 Lantern Lighting Ceremony

0 events,

1 event,


Tea, Tories, and the Almost-Battle of Marshfield

1 event,


Concord250 Speaker Event: Historian Robert A. Gross

3 events,

- Event Series

Timeline to Independence – Marlborough, MA Rotating Exhibit


1775: Rebels, Rights & Revolution Opening Reception


REBELS at SEA: PRIVATEERING in the AMERICAN REVOLUTION Lecture and book signing by Eric Jay Dolin

4 events,

Concord Museum: “Whose Revolution” Special Exhibition Opening Day

Event Series
- Event Series

Timeline to Independence – Marlborough, MA Rotating Exhibit


Open House and Reception for the 250th Student Art Show


Whose Revolution: Special Exhibition Opening Day

3 events,

- Event Series

Timeline to Independence – Marlborough, MA Rotating Exhibit

- Event Series

Concord250 Event: Concord Orchestra performance “American Heritage”

1 event,

- Event Series

Concord250 Event: Concord Orchestra performance “American Heritage”

1 event,


Eyewitness to Revolution Forum and Book Launch

0 events,

0 events,

2 events,


Concord250 Exhibit: “Liberation Textiles: Our Social Fabric” Opens at Concord Art


Concord250 Event: “Liberation Textiles: Our Social Fabric” Opens at Concord Art

1 event,


“Sacred Rebellion: Congregationalists in Revolutionary Massachusetts” Exhibition Opening Reception

6 events,


Remember the Ladies Special Anniversary Walking Tour

- Event Series

Walking Tour: Explore Revolutionary Hingham

- Event Series

Sacred Rebellion: Congregationalists in Revolutionary Massachusetts

4 events,


Arlington 250 Kickoff Party at the Capitol Theater


Lecture Series: Revisiting the American Revolution

Have a revolutionary event you want to share?