History, often told through the eyes of men, is packed with women’s contributions. In honor of Women’s History Month, here are the stories of women whose impacts are still seen in the Commonwealth: Deborah Sampson, Mercy Otis Warren, Abigail Adams, Sarah Bradlee Fulton, and Louisa May Alcott.
Deborah Sampson
Disguised as a man, Deborah Sampson served in the Continental Army from May 1782 to October 1783. She found great success in the Light Infantry Group, completing short, risky missions. In the summer of 1783, she fell unconscious from a fever. During her treatment, her true sex was revealed, leading to her honorable discharge soon after. Although her time in service was cut short, she used her experience to become a passionate advocate for women in the military, sharing her insights on a nationwide lecture tour in 1802.
Mercy Otis Warren
During the Revolution, women were expected to keep silent on political matters. Yet some, like Mercy Otis Warren, were determined to speak their mind. Leading up to the Revolution, Warren wrote several satires about the injustices faced by the colonists, targeting her attacks at British officials. She was firm in her opinions before and after the Revolution, receiving acclaim from leaders like John Adams and George Washington despite their disagreements. Her most significant work detailed the history of the Revolutionary War and was one of the first nonfiction books published by a woman in America.
Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams looked uniquely into early American political life through her husband, John Adams. Abigail Adams advocated for women’s protection under the new laws after the Revolution. While John Adams participated in the First Continental Congress, she sent him a letter reminding the Congress to “remember the ladies.” She feared structures where men held all the power, as she believed “all men would be tyrants if they could.“
Sarah Bradlee Fulton
Sarah Bradlee Fulton’s organizing efforts contributed to the success of the Boston Tea Party. They supported the Continental Army throughout the Revolutionary War. Fulton’s home was a meeting place for the Sons of Liberty, allowing them to plan and execute the Boston Tea Party. When the Battle of Bunker Hill broke out, Fulton established a makeshift hospital, bringing together women to nurse wounded soldiers. She was bravely committed to independence and did everything possible to see it through.
Louisa May Alcott
The authenticity of Louisa May Alcott’s writing allowed women to connect with her strong, ardent characters easily. Her most famous novel, Little Women, is a reflection on her own life. It follows four sisters from childhood to adulthood, highlighting their personalities and talents. As a realistic portrayal of women’s lives, it gave young women stories to relate to when it was published and is still highly influential for young women today.
No matter the field or time in our nation’s history, women have led the fight for freedom and pushed against the societal norms of their time. These are only a few of the countless women of Massachusetts who had a profound impact on women’s advancement in society. With bravery and persistence, they shifted ideas of what was possible for women and remained inspirational figures.