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Evacuation Day Boston 250

The Massachusetts Independence Day event is intended to be a grand-scale event celebrating the departure of the British Army after a ten-month siege and commemorating the service and sacrifice of thousands of men and women who supported the siege of Boston. This event will feature:

Presentation Program
Flyover/21 Gun Salute

The Parade will feature the following:
Fife and Drum Units (1 from each of the represented States)
Colonial Militia Units (At least 1 from each of the represented States)
Knox Noble Train
Henry Knox Honor Guard
Other State SAR Honor Guards
Historical Characters
George and Martha Washington
John and Abigail Adams
James and Mercy Otis Warren
Members of the SAR
Members of the DAR
Members of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
Modern US Military Units
Historical/Ceremonial Military Units
Ancient and Honorable
National Lancers
Philadelphia First Troop
Connecticut Governor’s Guard

Tuesday, March 17, 2026 - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Invite Via Email


Outside Fort Independence, Castle Island, South Boston

William J Day Boulevard 2010
Boston, Massachusetts 02127 United States

Outside Fort Independence, Castle Island, South Boston

William J Day Boulevard 2010
Boston, Massachusetts 02127 United States

William J Day Boulevard 2010
Boston, Massachusetts 02127 United States
Tuesday, March 17 - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm