The Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) invites you to step back in time with Fashion in the Season of Revolution, a dynamic exploration of the intersection between style, society, and conflict in the Revolutionary era. This engaging program, presented in cooperation with Leslie’s Retreat 250, offers a unique blend of scholarship, storytelling, and immersive experience, combining a thought-provoking panel discussion with a vibrant Revolutionary reenactor promenade.
2:30pm – Panel begins in Morse Auditorium – Welcome and panelist introductions – Petra Slinkard, Director of Curatorial Affairs and Curator of Fashion and Textiles, PEM
2:40pm – Presentation: PEM Collection in Focus – Abigail Adams’ Petticoat – Paula Bradstreet Richter, Curator-at-Large, PEM
3:00pm – Presentation: Purchasing Patriotism: New England Shoe Stories During the Revolutionary Era – Dr. Kimberly Alexander, University of New Hampshire
3:20pm – Presentation: “I Dress as Genteel As Possible:”; Research and Context in Living History Interpretation – Dr. Emily A. Murphy, Curator, National Park Service.
3:40pm- Presentation: Inspiration Up Close – A Story of Reenactment Dress – a conversation with Henry Rutkowski and Petra Slinkard
3:55pm – Invitation to reenactors to join on stage and audience to view costumes up close
4:10pm – Program concludes
This event is presented by the Peabody Essex Museum in collaboration with Leslie’s Retreat 250.