Revolution, football and tall ships all set for Boston, Massachusetts in 2026

Massachusetts and its capital Boston are encouraging international trade to take advantage of a big year for the state in 2026.

Not only does Massachusetts have a state-wide programme of events commemorating important dates in the American Revolution during the year – the Semiquincentennial of the United States – but Boston is hosting seven games during the FIFA World Cup.  Sometimes important anniversary events will be held on dates overlapping with the football games.

Agents should also watch out for opportunities to package Boston, Philadelphia and New York as an ‘East Coast corridor’ during the world cup – more details to come.

Kate Fox, executive director of Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism (MOTT) launched the brand MA250 during the major US travel trade event IPW in Los Angeles this week – the first time the state has held a press conference there.

‘Our rich history will be on display throughout the state, amplifying stories of independence and revolution that make Massachusetts remarkable to this day,’ says Fox.

Obviously the Boston Tea Party is one of the best known sparks in America’s fight for independence. Lexington MA was where the first shot of the American Revolution was fired in 1775 and the first draft of the Declaration of Independence was released in Massachusetts in 1776.

An event that will hold appeal during the year for sailing enthusiasts from New Zealand will be Sail 250, with tall ships from more than 30 countries taking part.

‘It is likely that we will have the ships and football fans in the state at the same time,’ says Fox.

The Blockade of Boston Point, Paul Revere’s Ride and the battle of Grape Island are just three more events that will be re-enacted during the year.

‘We’ll have historic trails with markers commemorating the sacrifices during the revolution and we still have about 500 historic homes and museums that were built in the 1700s.’

Fox points out that Massachusetts is known for plenty of firsts, movies and famous people who had nothing to do with the battle for independence.

For film buffs looking to celebrate a unrelated anniversary before 2026 even arrives, next year is the 50th anniversary of Jaws.

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