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Concord250 Event: Where We Belong, New England Premiere!

umbrella arts center Stow Street, Concord, Massachusetts, United States

For MA250 The Umbrella has programmed two events – a stage company production and an exhibit – to celebrate and amplify voices that have not historically been a part of the revolution story…which is in line with the celebration goals of the 250 plans. An indigenous theatre-maker journeys across geographic borders, personal history, and Cultural […]

Revolutionary Newton

Durant-Kenrick House and Grounds 286 Waverley Avenue, Newton, United States

Durant-Kenrick House and Grounds Historic Newton celebrates the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution! Join us in exploring what life was like in 18th-century New England. Reenactors will scatter the museum exhibits and grounds to create an immersive experience of revolutionary life. Guests can participate in hands-on period-specific activities and listen to reenactors debate politics, […]


Naughty Newton at Night: Revolution After Hours

Durant-Kenrick House and Grounds 286 Waverley Avenue, Newton, United States

Durant-Kenrick House and Grounds Attend the historic cocktail party of the year! Enjoy drinks and hors d'oeuvres, take guided tours of the exhibits, and listen to museum educators and reenactors discussing more intriguing topics of the 18th-century. Alcohol production and consumption, card games and gambling, and historical undergarments galore! Learn 18th-century tavern games and enter […]

$40 – $125

Concord250 Event: Concord Orchestra performance “American Heritage”

51 Walden Performing Arts Center Walden Street 51, Concord, MA, United States

The Concord Orchestra, conducted by Music Director Zeke Fetrow, is thrilled to perform “American Heritage” concerts as part of the Concord250 celebration.  Performances are on Saturday, March 29 at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 30 at 2:30 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center at 51 Walden.  We are excited to present a world premiere of A Beacon of Hope by Jeff […]


Concord250 Event: Concord Orchestra performance “American Heritage”

51 Walden Performing Arts Center Walden Street 51, Concord, MA, United States

The Concord Orchestra, conducted by Music Director Zeke Fetrow, is thrilled to perform “American Heritage” concerts as part of the Concord250 celebration.  Performances are on Saturday, March 29 at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 30 at 2:30 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center at 51 Walden.  We are excited to present a world premiere of A Beacon of Hope by Jeff […]


Concord250 Event: Concord Orchestra performance “American Heritage”

51 Walden Performing Arts Center Walden Street 51, Concord, MA, United States

The Concord Orchestra, conducted by Music Director Zeke Fetrow, is thrilled to perform “American Heritage” concerts as part of the Concord250 celebration.  Performances are on Saturday, March 29 at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 30 at 2:30 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center at 51 Walden.  We are excited to present a world premiere of A Beacon of Hope by Jeff […]


Concord250 Event: “Liberation Textiles: Our Social Fabric” Opens at Concord Art

Concord Art 37 Lexington Road, Concord, United States

Join us on Thursday April 3rd at 5:30pm for the opening reception of our upcoming exhibition, " Liberation Textiles: Our Social Fabric, " curated by Elizabeth Thach and Camilø Álvårez. The show is centered around themes of individual freedom and primarily features fiber-based visual art. Programming for the exhibition also includes a Curators Tour on Thursday April […]

Remember the Ladies Special Anniversary Walking Tour

Boston Public Garden 1 Charles St., Boston, MA, United States

Join Hub Town Tours for a special celebration of Abigail Adams's 1776 letter to John Adams, imploring the Continental Congress to include protections for women's rights as they created a new nation. We will explore the captivating stories of Bostonians that followed in the footsteps of Revolutionary women like Abigail Adams and Phillis Wheatley, and […]

Concord250 Event: Professor Michael Hattem “Concord and the Memory of the American Revolution”

Concord Free Public Library 129 Main Street, Concord, United States

Michael D. Hattem, Historian of the American Revolution and Historical Memory, will speak about the importance of the memory of the Revolution, specifically on how events in Concord have been perceived nationally. Bio: Michael D. Hattem is a historian of the American Revolution and popular memory. He is the author of The Memory of ’76: […]

Open House at Meriam’s Corner (Minute Man NHP)

Minute Man National Historical Park 74 Liberty Street, Concord, MA, United States

Visit the Nathan Meriam witness house and talk with costumed park staff about the Meriam family and the importance of the crossroad near their home on April 19, 1775. In the early afternoon of that fateful day, Militia soldiers arriving from Reading, Chelmsford, and Billerica attacked retreating British soldiers near this home. From Meriam’s Corner […]

Barrett Farm Open House & Programs (Minute Man NHP)

Minute Man National Historical Park 74 Liberty Street, Concord, MA, United States +1 more

On April 19th, 1775 a contingent of about 120, British Soldiers marched over the North Bridge to Barrett’s farm in search of military arms and supplies. During this open house program explore the interior of this 319 year old home, talk with park staff about military preparations in 1775, and learn the story of Rebeckah […]

Through the Listening Glass

Worcester Historical Museum Elm Street 30, Worcester, MA, United States

Escape with the ethereal, other-worldly sound of the Glass Armonica, an invention of Ben Franklin! The instrument is paired with flute and strings in Mozart’s famous Adagio and Rondo alongside exotic gems by Reichardt, Naumann, and early American composers Antes and Moller. American ingenuity at its finest! With Glass Armonica virtuoso Dennis James

$10 – $55