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Concord250 Event: “Liberation Textiles: Our Social Fabric” Opens at Concord Art

Join us on Thursday April 3rd at 5:30pm for the opening reception of our upcoming exhibition, ” Liberation Textiles: Our Social Fabric, ” curated by Elizabeth Thach and Camilø Álvårez.

The show is centered around themes of individual freedom and primarily features fiber-based visual art. Programming for the exhibition also includes a Curators Tour on Thursday April 3rd at 5pm, as well as Artist Demos with some of the exhibition’s featured artists. The show is on view April 3 – May 11, 2025.

Curators Tour Thursday April 3rd at 5pm (opening reception starts at 5:30pm that evening)
Artist Demo: A Sense of Touch – Tapestry Weaving with Sam Fields Wednesday, April 16th, 10:30am-12pm
The show is centered around themes of individual freedom and is scheduled to coincide with the town’s celebration of Patriots Day. It will primarily feature fiber-based visual art. To give you a sense of the creative direction, here’s an excerpt from what the curator has written about the show:
“When we talk about ‘social fabric’ the metaphor is apt because of the various ways that individual lives overlap [like threads] and are supported by other lives to create a unified garment… We participate in elections, but we also participate in economic systems, familial networks, and larger social communities. Communal life is always a negotiation between individual freedom and the needs of the social fabric that supports and makes individual freedom possible… Making art is one of the purest expressions of personal freedom that the individual can participate in, but the work that artists make as individuals is influenced by artists’ economic, cultural, and communal realities… Communities support and participate in the individual’s freedom when they view the art that individuals make. It is a critical mistake to think that art can exist in a vacuum, or that individuals can be free without the supports and infrastructure of a healthy community.”

Thursday, April 3, 2025 - 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Invite Via Email


Concord Art

37 Lexington Road
Concord, 01742 United States

Concord Art

37 Lexington Road
Concord, 01742 United States
37 Lexington Road
Concord, 01742 United States
Thursday, April 3 - 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm